The debut from the lovable JILL & MICAH, "Slowly But Surely", is available in digital stores everywhere starting today. The volume of epic, melancholy, and melodic songs from this married duo was recorded and produced by Andy Ingram (XL427, Kris N.), mixed and mastered by Brenna Myers (The Florals) and played on by the aforementioned as well as Gigi Palassis (Second Best, The Greek God of Style), Alexander Scaglia (The Florals) and more friends and family.
Buy it now at iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, eMusic, and many more retailers deomestic and overseas.
Stream it now at Apple Music, Spotify, aand here at (under the above "Albums" tab).
And don't forget that if you prefer a copy on disc, order it in the Poptek Shop and we will send it right away.