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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.


The 1984 Draft play the Dayton Music Fest
to Oct 21

The 1984 Draft play the Dayton Music Fest

  • The Yellow Cab Tavern (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The 19th Annual Dayton Music Fest

Friday October 20.

Yellow Cab Tavern = 700 E Fourth St./ BRLY 6:20-6:50, Dr Cycle 7:10-7:40, Life in Idle 8-8:30, New Old Fashioned 8:50-9:20, Moontemple 9:40-10:10, Seth Gilliam & The Fake News 10:30-11, Heather Redman & The Reputation 11:30-12:30

Blind Bob’s = 430 E Fifth St./ No Balance 8:15-8:45, Motel Faces 9:05-9:35, Marijuana Johnson 9:55-10:25, Pseudonym with DJ Pluto 10:45-11:15, K. Carter 12:00

Trolley Stop = 530 E Fifth St./ Achilles Tenderloin 8:10-8:40, David Berry 9:00-9:30, Novena 9:50-10:20, The Nautical Theme 10:40-11:10, Harold Hensley 11:30-12:15

Saturday October 21.

Yellow Cab Tavern/ Turtle Island 6:20-6:50, They Need Machines To Fly? 7:10-7:40, Sam King + The Suspects 8-8:30, Nick Kizirnis & Kyleen Downes 8:50-9:20, Human Cannonball 9:40-10:10, Lung 10:30-11:15, Abertooth Lincoln 11:30-12:30

Blind Bob’s/ Turboslacker 8:15-8:45, Duke Of Owls 9:05-9:35, Us, Today 9:55-10:25, Dark Backward 10:45-11:15, Subterranean 12:00

Trolley Stop/ Steve Zax 8:10-8:40, Mike Bankhead 9:00-9:30, Michael Tomlinson 9:50-10:20, Denny Cottle 10:40-11:10, The 1984 Draft 11:30-12:15

  • The Poster-Tastic Art Show hosted by Gladgirl is happening both nights at the Yellow Cab Gallery.

  • Weekend passes are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. Each single night is $15 at the door.

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Madden Road Music Fest
2:00 PM14:00

Madden Road Music Fest

Madden Road Music Fest. Saturday August 12. 1791 Madden Rd Cable, OH 2-10 PM. All-ages. Tickets at the front fence

Daniel Dye and the Miller Road Band (8 PM), Jill & Micah (5:30 PM), The American Landscape (6 PM), Yuppie (7 PM), Jesse Level (5:30 PM) The Zach Whitney Show (2 PM), Bill Purk w/ Reed Jones (3 PM), Joelle Hochstedler (5 PM), Jon Morgan (3:30 PM), Amanda Roberts & Friends (3 PM), Bob Lucas with Chris Westhoff (4 PM), Dennis Fry (7:30 PM).

3 Stages. Walking Trails. Local Food. Art Mural. Workshops. Kids Games. Campfire. Sing-Alongs. Hammock Grove. Tree Planting. Jam Session.

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The 1984 Draft play Sideshow
to May 21

The 1984 Draft play Sideshow

  • The Ywllow Cab Tavern (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

SIDESHOW Yellow Cab Tavern- 700 E 4th St Dayton, OH

DAY 1 - FRIDAY, MAY 19 - 5PM-2AM Tracy Perkins & the Personnel Dayton Poetry Slam Mandy Jewell Papalli Eric Paul Ulliman Bob Dellaposta Trio Popes and Assassins Todd the Fox The Primetime Blues Band Debbie Decasio Freya's Felines Achilles Tenderloin Jenna Gomes Mister Moriah a Shade of Red The 1984 Draft

DAY 2 - SATURDAY, MAY 20 - 4PM-2AM Xero Xotica Nautical Theme Moroni Lane Grit & Harmony Two Grey Hills Charlie & Amanda Our Sacred Vanity Abigail Moone Keowee Reload Kyleen Downes Thunderlover Death By Fetish Windsor Knotts & Friends Sadbox Novena Sam Stone Dayton Poetry Slam She's Deadly Dip Spit VISUAL ARTISTS Josh Arnold Cade Paradoxa Rachel Botting Carrie Black Christina Lewis Cathartic Slant Jolie Ruin Eli Sperry Blue Bum Art Bob Tewksbury Marcus Crowder Chloe Martin Tyler Martin Kelly Guerra Stephanie Shields Samantha Farkas The Stoney Cottage Kara McCray Seth Ratliff Ron Rollins Tasha's Common Scents Noggle's Customs Catie Gerami Sabrina Cox Katie Schwab Kacie Lawrence David Hurwitz

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The 1984 Draft "Best Friends Forever" Record Release Show w/ Josh Caterer, Paige Beller, Josh Goldman, Shane Sweeney, Narrow/Arrow, Abiyah, Josh Arnold
6:30 PM18:30

The 1984 Draft "Best Friends Forever" Record Release Show w/ Josh Caterer, Paige Beller, Josh Goldman, Shane Sweeney, Narrow/Arrow, Abiyah, Josh Arnold

The 1984 Draft “Best Friends Forever” Record Release Show with Josh Caterer (Smoking Popes), Paige Beller, Josh Goldman (of the Raging Nathans), Shane Sweeney (of Two Cow Garage), Narrow/Arrow, Abiyah, Josh Arnold, and many more to be announced. Friday January 20. The Yellow Cab Tavern- 700 E 4th St. Dayton, OH Doors at 6:30. $20 door

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