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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.

Palm Ghosts


Palm Ghosts deliver the sound of an '80s prom in a war zone. As far from the honky-tonks and pedal taverns of their adopted city as one can get, this is a trio who are clearly more at home in rainy Manchester or blustery Berlin, as they produce their amalgam of cinematic dream pop and new wave with brooding post punk.

In 2018 they released “Architecture”, a dark pop record with male/ female vocals and their first offering echoing the sound of 4AD and Factory Records’ brand of post punk. Since then, they have built upon that release with a steady stream of songs invigorating the modern era with the '80s youth ethos, and paying homage to idols like New Order, The Cure, Echo and The Bunnymen and Peter Gabriel to name a few.

During the worldwide pandemic, Palm Ghosts recorded and released “Lifeboat Candidate” to critical acclaim. The record was a giant ear worm on unrest, isolation, and frustration influenced by the jagged art punk of Gang of Four and Wire.

The band’s next offering, “The Lost Frequency”, felt more whimsical and celebratory. More nostalgic and less like a war . . . more like a prom. However, the lyrics still bring confrontation to the forefront, and remind us that normalcy is still devastating.

“Post Preservation” showed yet another side of Palm Ghosts. There were songs about love with almost a hint of optimism. If you squint your eyes, a faint light through the cracks, but with plenty of darkness and discontent for balance. Like the soundtrack to a long lost John Hughes film, “Post Preservation” twinkles with warm nostalgia for a world that no longer exists, except for in our hearts and minds.

Their forthcoming offering, “I Love You, Burn in Hell”, is another slab of discontent and disillusionment. Melodic songs about betrayal, exploitation and the hopeless task of navigating the modern world, wrapped up in catchy melodies and propulsive rhythms. The world is ending, for god’s sake. Get on the dance floor!

Palm Ghosts = Joseph Lekkas- lead vocals, bass. Benjamin Douglas- guitar, vocals. Walt Epting- drums, percussion.

Location = Nashville, Tennessee


Palm Ghosts "Façades" CD




"Palm Ghosts is a heat seeking missile for early alternative rock fans“ - SPIN Magazine

“Dance Music for an age of Chaos” - Nashville Scene

“If ever there was a need for some good dystopian pop, 2021 is the year. And thankfully Palm Ghosts heard the call.” - Associated Press said the track Blind is: “A gorgeous, tribal-infused track with equal hints of Peter Gabriel, The Teardrop Explodes, and Gang of Four.”

“Made in the USA during the 2020 quarantine Lifeboat Candidate has antecedents in Peter Gabriel’s third 1980 solo album, The Cure’s Three Imaginary Boys and the early I Will Follow/11 O’clock Tick Tock-era U2 but filtered through a modern American sensibility to reflect on the worries and horrors of the modern world.” - We Are Cult UK

Manchester’s Analogue Trash describes Palm Ghosts as: “Achingly beautiful, fragile and majestic music. An intoxicating mix of Shoegaze and Dream pop, taking from the 80’s but not in debt to it.”

Spin Magazine interview:

Nashville Scene feature: