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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.

The 1984 Draft Farrell Split.jpg

Poptek Shop

Kris N Disassociating.jpg
Kris N. "Disassociating During A Genocide While Selling My Labor To A Corporation So I Can Have Food And Shelter Until The Robots Take Over" (Taylor's Version) Digital
Lost Friend Echo Lane.jpg
Lost Friend "Echo Lane" Digital
Palm Ghosts Facades.jpeg
Palm Ghosts "Façades" CD
Broken Hearts Are Blue.jpg
Broken Hearts Are Blue "The Truth About Love" Re-mastered Cassette
Chris Broach 1984 Draft split.jpg
Chris Broach "Blood Thicker Than Honey"/ The 1984 Draft "Holiday inn" Lathe Cut 7"
Palm Ghosts- I Love You Burn In Hell.jpeg
Palm Ghosts "I Love You, Burn in Hell" 12" Vinyl
Kris N imtakingyourpictureimwritingyoudown.jpg
Kris N. "imtakingyourpictureimwritingyoudown" Digital
Okay Lindon Passion Pain.jpg
Okay Lindon "Passion Pain" Digital
The 1984 Draft Best Friends Forever.jpg
The 1984 Draft "Best Friends Forever" 12" Vinyl
The 1984 Draft "Best Friends Forever" Casette
The 1984 Draft Best Friends Forever.jpg
The 1984 Draft "Best Friends Forever" Digital
The 1984 Draft Farrell Split.jpg
The 1984 Draft "Two Cow Barrage" / Todd Farrell Jr. "Can't Sit Still" lathe cut 7"
sold out
Kris N Tilted Summer.jpg
Kris N. "Tilted Summer" Digital
All Hallowed Give Me Mercy.jpg
All Hallowed "Give Me Mercy" 12" vinyl
Card Spread.jpg
Poptek Cards Series 1 by Chalk
The 1984 Draft Makes Good Choices.jpg
The 1984 Draft "Makes Good Choices" 12" Vinyl
Sale Price:$15.00 Original Price:$20.00
The 1984 Draft Makes Good Choices.jpg
The 1984 Draft "Makes Good Choices" Digital
Poptek Shirt.jpg
Poptek Logo T-shirt
Draft Tecmo Shirt.jpg
The 1984 Tecmo Draft T-shirt
Tie Die Draft.jpeg
Tie Die Tecmo Draft T-shirt
The 1984 Draft "Nebrohio" T-shirt
Sale Price:$10.00 Original Price:$15.00
The 1984 Draft Destination Breakdown.jpg
The 1984 Draft "Destination Breakdown" Digital
Draft Tecmo Shirt.jpg
The 1984 "Tecmo" Draft Sweatshirt
XL427 Ideas Cover.jpg
XL427 Ideas Mensa Deathsquad Remix 7"
XL427 Ideas Cover.jpg
XL427 "Ideas" (Mensa Deathsquad Remix) Digital
XL427 "Rad" T-Shirt
XL427 Thee Attack.jpg
XL427 "Thee Attack" CD
XL427 Thee Attack.jpg
XL427 "Thee Attack" Digital
Hangover Ohio After After All.jpg
Hangover, Ohio "After After All" Cassette w/ Download Card
Hangover Ohio After After All.jpg
Hangover, Ohio "After After All" Digital
Okay Lindon "Participation" Cassette w/ Download Card
Okay Lindon "Participation" Digital
MKT Make A Record.jpg
Mary Kate and Trashley "Make A Record". Cassette w/ Download Card
MKT Make A Record.jpg
Mary Kate and Trashley "Make A Record" Digital
Second Best.jpg
Lost Friend "Second Best" Digital
The Florals "Are Dead Now" Digital
Okay Lindon "Changes" Digital
Jill & Micah "Slowly But Surely" Digital
The Florals Front Cover.jpg
The Florals Digital
Kris N. "The Thankful Parade" Digital
The 1984 Draft Heisman.JPG
The 1984 Draft "Heisman Trophy Winner" CD
Kris N. "Heart Scarf" Digital
Hangover, Ohio "Common Measure" Digital
Kris N. "Lo-Fi Movement" Digital
XL427 "Yesterdays Forever" Digital
Kris N. "The Burning Down Belmont EP" Digital
Ruetschle "plays Exotic Destinations" Digital
Graham Travis "Why Don't You Know Me Yet?" Digital
Ruetschle "Lesser than Opaque" Digital
Ruetschle "self-titled rock lp" Digital