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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.

The Florals


In forgotten towns all around the world, memorable music is still being made. Case in point, The Florals. This duo of Brenna Myers and Alexander Scaglia is giving people a reason to remember Springfield, Ohio. The first sound anyone will notice is the voice coming from Myers. Strong, at times raspy, always unique and beautiful, her vocals are gliding over a quality base of well-written songs that alternate between catchy and sugary to contemplative and droning. Myers and Scaglia are young, with a friendship dating back to grade school, but they know how to make music. Combine Myers' mature guitar antics with Scaglia's playful and inventive drumming, and The Florals are crafting a sound that is important and completely true to their quirky personalities. What has been birthed and crafted in a forgotten town is ready and worthy to be heard by a much larger audience.

The Florals = Brenna Myers- vocals, guitar, bass. Alexander Scaglia- drums, bass.

Location = Forever in our Hearts


The Florals Digital

