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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.

Golden Orra


The fuzz, the hiss, the distorted guitar, the big drums, the big bass- it's all Alexander Scaglia masquerading under yet another psuedonym, this time Golden Orra. From the beloved drummer from The Florals and the do-everything of Mary Kate and Trashley, Scaglia describes Golden Orra as the serious side to Mary Kate and Trashley. Though the humor and the fuzz run throughout, so make your own opinions.

The first three singles, "Demon", "Can't Get Enough", and "All The Way Down", are out now digitally from Poptek Records.

Golden Orra = Alexander Scalgia- vocals, bass. Micah Kemplin- guitar. Mike Trombley- guitar. Andy Ingram- drums.

Location = Detroit, Michigan and Dayton, Ohio


The Florals Digital