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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.

The 1984 Draft


The 1984 Draft, a band who channels American rock sensibilities through a ‘90s-tinted punk and indie lens, are proud to release their latest LP via Poptek Records, Sell The Heart Records, and Engineer Records (UK). The album features collaborations with Susie Ulrey (Pohgoh), Todd Farrell Jr. (Benchmarks, Two Cow Garage), and Sean Gardner (Kopaz, The Reciever, Winter Makes Sailors, Minnows) and the addition of Dayton-based artist Cherry Fullam on vocals.

“I thought I had ‘Best Friends Forever’ completely written shortly after the release of ‘Makes Good Choices’,” said Joe Anderl, frontman for The 1984 Draft. “We began recording the record ourselves and then Chip’s board fried. That caused us to pause and then Covid hit. With the additional time at home, I kept writing so some songs were swapped out. We did not intend for it to take this long to release another full length but it is the card that was dealt and I couldn’t be happier. We were really lucky to have some of our friends make substantial contributions to this record.”

“This album continues a similar story as ‘Makes Good Choices’. I’m still writing songs about my family and life in general. This is my photo album of a period of time in my life. My kids continue to grow, I continue to evolve, and the world continues to be a mess. I think we cover a little bit of all of that on this record.”

For those unfamiliar with The 1984 Draft, the band is comprised of Anderl, guitarist Eli Alban, bassist Chip Heck, and drummer Justin Satinover. To date, the band have released a compilation track, a pair of EPs, three 7 inches (w/ Todd Farrell (Benchmarks) and Gordon Withers (Jawbreaker on Cello / J Robbins band), and an LP. The 1984 Draft have supported Radar State, Haymarket Riot, Hawthorne Heights, Extra Arms, Relaxer, Signals Midwest, Jon Snodgrass, Shane Sweeney, Ben Nichols of Lucero, Crooks on Tape, Dead Rider, Maps and Atlases, Vinnie Caruana of The Movielife, Anthony Raneri of Bayside, Geoff Rickly of Thursday, Six Gallery and more.

In 2022, The 1984 Draft released a split single with Todd Farrell Jr. (Benchmarks) via Poptek Records. The album was covered by New Noise Magazine, Ghettoblaster Magazine, The Book of Very Very Bad Things, Aversionline, and Jersey Beat

In 2020, The 1984 Draft released their Destination Breakdown single via Poptek Records. The album was covered by New Noise Magazine, Ghettoblaster Magazine, Punk News, Aversionline, and Big Takeover Magazine.

The 1984 Draft previously released their LP, Makes Good Choices, in 2018 via Poptek Records. The album received rave reviews from Ghettoblaster Magazine, Wannabe The Comic, A Diverse Sound, Soundblab, Oklahoma Lefty, Us For Once, Punk Music UK and more, and topped that year's "Best of the Year" at many other online outlets.

Their Heisman Trophy Winner EP was released via Gas Daddy Go! (the boutique label of former Guided By Voices drummer Don Thrasher) in November of 2015. They were also one of 24 Ohio bands featured on the 10th anniversary Aquabear Legion double vinyl compilation that year.

In 2014, The 1984 Draft released their EP, Bo Jackson Up The Middle, via We Want Action (84 Nash, She Bears, Tiara). The EPs were recorded at Popside Studio with Micah Carli (former guitarist for Hawthorne Heights), who also took up engineering and mastering duties on the Heisman Trophy Winner EP. Their Bo Jackson Up The Middle EP saw the light of day in advance of the release of an NFL Network documentary on the actual 1984 NFL Draft, in which the band is featured. NFL Films captured them live in the band’s hometown on January 10, 2014. The documentary aired on April 30, 2014 and continues to air each draft season on the NFL Network and followed print and web features on the band in Sports Illustrated, The Omaha World Herald, New Noise Magazine, to name a few.

The 1984 Draft = Joe Anderl- vocals, guitar. Justin Satinover- drums. Eli Alban- guitar. Chip Heck- bass.

Location = Dayton, Ohio


The 1984 Draft "Best Friends Forever" Casette
The 1984 Draft "Makes Good Choices" 12" Vinyl
Sale Price: $15.00 Original Price: $20.00
The 1984 "Tecmo" Draft Sweatshirt
The 1984 Draft "Nebrohio" T-shirt
Sale Price: $10.00 Original Price: $15.00




“The 1984 Draft have given me the benefit of introspection with ‘Makes Good Choices.’ Intentions be damned, the beauty of music is the gifts it relinquishes and this album has bestowed on me just such a reward.” Wannabe: The Comic

4 out of 5 Stars Vocals on Top

“Makes Good Choices is bound to become one of the best punk releases of the year” A Diverse Sound

“Ten tracks coming in at about 30 minutes is the perfect for an album of this ilk but it’s still with a hint of sadness that Makes Good Choices is over so soon.” Games, Brains, and a Head-Banging Life

“There are some records that just hit you.  They have a sound that immediately grabs you on the first listen and from that moment on you know you've found something that you are going to love.  That's what happened to me the first time I listened to The 1984 Draft's new album Makes Good Choices.” Oklahoma Lefty

4.5 out of 5 Cameras Ambient Light

“This is some really good stuff, really good!!!” Punk Online UK

“The 1984 Draft's new LP 'Make Good Choices' provides us with that perfect combination of nostalgia and excitement of something new.” Us For Once

“I would like to go as far to say that a band like The 1984 Draft (especially this new record Makes Good Choices) reminds me of the older punk bands that had that "poppy and indie" edge where nobody really knew where to categorize them, so they stuck them in indie or pop-punk genres because the times were so obscure.” The Pop Punk Dad

“If you are fan of elaborate and melodic, also intelligent punkrock, check out this record because you won´t be sorry!” Kraykulla

“‘If it wasn’t for you/ I don’t know if I’d be here right now’.  Stick around guys. The listeners are still here, and ‘Makes Good Choices’ should awaken some who have yet to join the party.” Soundblab

“The storytelling is infectious, the choruses are catchy and the arrangements are quite tasty with enough variety to satisfy even the most critical palate.  This is just an excellent effort by The 1984 Draft as ‘Makes Good Choices’ gets 8.5/10 stars.” Madness to Creation