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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.

Jill & Micah


Some couples knit together. Some couples work together. Some couples exercise together. And let’s be honest, most couples argue together. In the case of the married duo of Jill & Micah, they make music together.

Their debut, “Slowly But Surely”, combines the poetic abstractions, intricate guitar work, and troubadour-like voice of Micah Bonsell with the sharp songs and sweet vocals of Jill Potter-Bonsell. It is obvious who is writing each song,but like all good marriages they work well together. Produced and supported by fellow Poptek players and friends, Jill & Micah’s debut is grand and mature, raw but sweet, pleasant but jarring at the same time.

Micah sings epic sounding verses about childhood memories, economic systems, emotional baggage and so much more. And Jill simply sings about Micah.

While “Grew on Me” is a heartfelt love song, her other songs are quite pointed sonic pictures of past break-ups and wounds, innocently bringing common but heavy relational issues to light. Regardless of how pointed the words are, they are wrapped in wonderful melody. Don’t worry though, everything is fine now. And the murder ballad didn’t actually happen. And that is why Poptek is very excited to be able to release the debut of Jill & Micah “Slowly But Surely” to the world.

Jill & Micah = Jill Potter-Bonsell- vocals, guitar, banjo, ukulele, mandolin. Micah Bonsell- vocals, acoustic guitar, harmonica. Gigi Palassis- electric guitar. Andrew Hahn- bass. Andy Ingram- drums.

Location = Springfield, Ohio


