Local Music Day. Friday and Saturday November 8-9. Yellow Cab Tavern- 700 E 4th St. Dayton, OH
Featuring the newest Poptek releases, "Thee Attack" from XL427 and "After After All" from Hangover, Ohio.
Other realeases include
- Human Cannonball (featuring Dan from XL427) "Let's Be Friends" on vinyl for the first time!
- Overthought Musik "Album" (featuring members of Motel Beds, Okay Lindon, Human Cannonball, Me & Mountains, Me Time, and many more)
- Me & Mountains "Dream Sequence Vol. 1"
- Smug Brothers "Serve a Thirsty Moon"
- Boxcar Suite "Another Realm"
- Sympathetic Buzz (Pritchard, Stahl, and Lackey from Shrug) "Superbloom"
- Crossfade Rivals (Don from Smug Brothers) "Land Baron of Barren Lands"
- Andy Gabbard (from Buffalo Killers and The Black Keys) "Trancer"
- Moira/TINO Split
- Mike Bankhead/Paint Splats "Defacing the Moon"
- Dirty/Clean "Night Mixes"