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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.

Lost Friend "Echo Lane" Press Kit



Gigi Palassis has a beautifully melancholy batch of songs for Lost Friend, this time accompanied by the wonderful voice of his sister, Irene Queen. “Echo Lane” is two brand new songs written and recorded in October as a reprieve as Irene is in a terrible fight with cancer. The other three songs are re-worked or re-mixed songs featuring the duo that were never properly released after the band L’Albatros dissolved. Irene’s voice is amazing and we want everyone to hear her and support her in her struggle against cancer.

Written by Christopher Palassis.

Irene Queen- vocals
Christopher Palassis- vocals, guitars, synthesizers

Conversation on “Patient Father” with Ioannis Palassis.

Recorded by Andy Ingram and Christopher Palassis.

Mixed by Andy Ingram and Brenna Myers.

Cover design by magneticFLUX.

Cover photo from the Palassis Family Archives.