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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.

Kris N. "Disassociating During A Genocide While Selling My Labor To A Corporation So I Can Have Food And Shelter Until The Robots Take Over" (Taylor's Version) Digital

Poptek Shop

Kris N. "Disassociating During A Genocide While Selling My Labor To A Corporation So I Can Have Food And Shelter Until The Robots Take Over" (Taylor's Version) Digital

Kris N Disassociating.jpg
Kris N Disassociating.jpg

Kris N. "Disassociating During A Genocide While Selling My Labor To A Corporation So I Can Have Food And Shelter Until The Robots Take Over" (Taylor's Version) Digital


The new EP from Dayton wordswith Kris N. that is both cute and cynical.

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