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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.

XL427 "Thee Attack" Press Kit

The spacey new album!


XL427 Thee Attack.jpg
The (Surprise) Party
The Covenant
Stone Washed Jeans
NASA Arizona
Don't Downplay The Back Beat
Time Travel


“Thee Attack” is the long-awaited sophomore release from XL427, that is if anyone knew that the drummer from Kris N., Jill & Micah, Second Best, Ruetschle and the head of Poptek Records had his own band. The debut, “Yesterdays Forever”, featuring the voice of Poptek’s Andy Ingram supported by members of all the aforementioned bands as well as the drummer from Shrug and Human Cannonball, came out way back in 2008. Ingram explains why, “I take forever to write songs just because as much as I love crafting a good melody, it so easy for me to do work concerning the label or for my friends’ bands instead. Plus surviving West Nile took a lot out of me for about five years. I procrastinate at everything and during that time I was even crafting my resignation from all my bands and the label. I just never got around to quitting. The hope that I would recover that I was cynically holding on to eventually came true.”

“Thee Attack” is an ominous title for a batch of songs that are much darker than the retro-happy debut of XL427. “Sad songs make me happy, but beyond that, getting sick changes your perspective on a lot of life. All but one of these songs are borne of that struggle, though I still try to write really catchy choruses.” 

Share in the melodic delusionment as Poptek Records releases the new full-length from XL427, “Thee Attack”, first on Local Music Day on November 9, 2019 and then worldwide on January 3, 2020.

BAND = Andy Ingram- vocals, guitar. Mike Ruetschle- guitar, vocals. Gigi Palassis- guitar. Cooper- bass. Dan Stahl- drums.

LOCATION = Dayton, Springfield, and Yellow Springs, Ohio

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