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Dayton, OH
United States

Poptek Recs is a simple label with big pop songs.

Tour and Beard Journal (Day 6)

Tour Journal

Tour and Beard Journal (Day 6)

Andy Ingram

We got back from New York last night. The 9-hour drive ended up taking 11 or 12, but we had no place to be and no need to worry. The tour so far has been a thrill but it is really nice to be home. Traveling reminds me how much I enjoy my own bed, towels, time set aside to do nothing, and being able to shave.

We have one more show in Lock Haven, PA that we will drive bck out to on Saturday. Thanks to everyone who came out to see The Florals and offer your encouragement.

The beard is officially wierding me out. I find myself touching my face a lot more, but mostly becuase it's just a bizarre experience. The textures of the hair on the top of my head compared with that of my face are just too different to be real. I'll reference Peter sellers again and just say that my beard feels like a costume, like one of Inspector Clouseau's disguises.

I am eating a lot currently, like for two people. Is that usual? Do beards need that much nutrition?